Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Shrinking Fingers by Andrea

We stopped by the mall over the weekend to make the first payment on the ring, and I wanted to see about getting it sized to fit my finger just a little tighter (I think my fingers are shrinking. The lady at Kay told us that once they send it out, it'll take 7-10 days to get the ring back. "Oh......it must be new. Not ready to let it go yet, huh?" (I guess she could tell by the look on my face that I didn't want to give it up for 10 days.)

So she pulled out her pliers and a little strip of metal and suggested a temporary alternative to keep the ring from slipping. It looks like some sort of orthodontic torture device I had to wear in high school. But hey, it works, and my ring won't go flying off. Eventually I'll need to build up the strength to send it out for sizing....wish me luck! Andrea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Silly. But I would have a hard time letting "the" ring out of my sight too. I would think it was all a dream because it was no longer on my finger. lol.