For all those who thought it wasn't official yet....we finally got an engagement ring!!! It's GORGEOUS and it suits me perfectly. Dre picked it out with very little input from me. I was quite impressed!
So today I showed the new finger bling to my coworkers....and everyone flipped out. "Like Chinese gymnasts" Dre says (LOL). So anyway, the story wasn't some overly romanticized Hollywood love scene, and not quite as picturesque as Jakelly's story, but it was still very very sweet. I had some work done on my car, so while we waited for VW to finish up, we went out for breakfast; then walked aimlessly around the mall to kill time. During our aimless meandering, we casually strolled by a couple jewelry stores. We had our fingers measured at one place, then got the phone call from VW that my car was ready. On our way out of the mall, we stopped at Kay to see what sales they had. So we sat down at the counter, and it turns out that Dre had really been doing his homework. I just sat back in my seat while he browsed through diamond bridal sets. He liked several of them, but when he found my ring (just like when he met me) he knew it was the one.
"I like the way it sparkles in the light...and I love the way it looks on your hand." So one thing led to another and the next thing I know, he's slipping the ring on my finger and the sales lady (Josephine Lopez aka J-Lo) is hugging us, bouncing around excited. It was really a great surprise, and I can't stop staring at it....I'm tempted to take it off while I'm typing because I keep getting distracted heehee. So now we are officially official, and no one can argue that. :) Andrea
Absolutely Beautiful! Congratulations to you both!
Aww! I love that story!! :*)
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