Monday, October 26, 2009

On the wagon by Kelly

I finally got back on track working out. Only took me 6 months of complaining about being fat to finally get unfat. Ok well I haven't done it yet, but it will be done soon. I mean the getting unfat part. I am definitely working out probably close to a billion hours a week. With Cubs season being over I have tons of free time to go to the gym.

I know the main reason for the fatness is the 800 lbs. of whiskey I drink a week. So I decided to re-ditch that lovely habit. There was a reason I quit drinking for a year and a half. I tried to ignore it but that reason came back with a super vengeance and I am super back on the wagon again. It's on right? If I was off I would be drinking? Wasn't that a Seinfeld episode?

So I have lots of time to go to the gym and even more time to hang on the most comfy couch in the world. Jake pulled a couch out of the alley, super cleaned it, and put it in our living room. I've never sat on a more comfy couch. Once I sit, I'm done for the night. I wrap up in my lovely Snuggie (don't watch infomercials while drunk kids!!) and watch horrible reality TV all night. It's amazing. I am living a dream life right now.

I said super a lot in this blog I think. Kelly

Competitions by Kelly

I am in total shock.I was sure at the Celebration of Marriage thingy I was going to win the 2nd honeymoon. How dare they not pick my number? I can't believe it. You mean I will have to pay for it? With my own money?? They must think I am rich. I also must think I am rich if I am planning on going on a 2nd honeymoon after being married for only 6 months.

Although it would look a little suspicious if we would have won it. We were the ones selling the raffle tickets. We decided to have a contest. There wasn't any type of prize, I'm just into making everything competitions.

Jake sold like $1500 worth of raffle tix. I sold $500. I had to let him win. I took a break to go eat. While I was eating, I went to the buffet and made him a huge plate of food so he could have something to eat when he finished. I'm assuming in the time it took me to do all of this, I easily could have sold another $4000 worth of raffle tickets.

I just didn't feel like it. Kelly

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Oh. Em. Gee. by Andrea

It's been a whole month already! Time really has flown...but literally since the moment we said "I do" people have been going nuts over us. "Oh, em, gee, you're married! Oh, em, gee, I'm so happy for you! Oh, em, gee, let me see the ring! Oh, em, gee!!!" Even when we try to hold conversations, they all seem to have trouble talking about anything other than us being married. It's such a blessing to know that we have support, but it's a bit overwhelming...and since we've been consumed with our wedding stuff since July, we really would like to know what's new with everyone else, ya know?

We've also been getting tons of questions...usually the same 5, so not much variety. And people usually ask the questions while wearing the biggest cheesiest grins, smiling incessantly. 1.)'s married life? 2.) was the honeymoon? 3.) So....when can we see pictures? 4.) So... where are you living now? 5.) So....when's the baby coming? I think #5 is the hilarious. A baby?? Really?? Can't we spend some time alone first? We're planning for a couple years from now, but my friend Denise gave me a great answer to the baby question. If anyone asks when the baby is coming, just answer "9 months after we get pregnant." Genius. Andrea