First off I would like to apologize to all the readers out there. It’s been quite some time since I graced this lovely website with some Jake Gospel. It’s hard to use the computer when Kelly is always hoggin and bloggin. So on with the show.
It’s almost wedding time and it has arrived very, very fast. We had like 8 months just yesterday it seems. And weddings are expensive! So to all those out there getting married and you think you have tons of time, YOU DON’T! Get what you need done right away. It will just save you a headache later.
Kelly and I did a pretty good job I think when it came to getting stuff done asap. Well I say we but it’s probably like 70/30 me to her. She’s done a little work but very important things so it evens out. I kid; she has been amazing and working so hard. And my beautiful future mother–in-law has been handing writing every single invitation. That’s like 4,000 envelopes. I had no idea the nuns back in the day
turned her into a professional calligrapher. She has been working so hard and I want to say thank you to her.
So to recap hurry and get what you need done done before it's too late, save your money, be nice to your future mother-in-law, and don’t drink her last Diet Coke...ever!